Successful dismantling of façade elements 🏗️ – Weesperzijde 190

As part of the redevelopment of Weesperzijde 190 (Leeuwenburg), the old façade is being replaced with a new one that both honors the brutalist architecture and is future-proof and sustainable.

Recently, we conducted a trial demolition of six façade elements. This provided valuable insights into how we can carry out the final façade dismantling safely and efficiently. Lagemaat B.V. successfully performed the trial, which offered important information about the original construction methods.

We are also exploring how we can repurpose the materials in a circular way for the development of the new façade. 🌿

Thanks to SGI Compliance Nederland for asbestos and demolition support, and DGMR for advice and sound measurements.

On to the next step! 🙌

Photography by Roos Aldershoff Photography